Monday, October 24, 2011

owww dem.. tagged..

1. Must post this rules.
2. Post 11 things about themselves in their post.
3. Answer the questions that those tagger set for you in their post, and creat new question for people you tagged to answer.
4. Have to choose 11 people to tag them in your post.
5. Don't forget to go to their page and tell them.
6. No tag back (!)
7. No stuff in the tagging section about "YOU ARE TAGGED IF YOU ARE READING THIS" YOU LEGITIMATELY.
(a.k.a REALLY, TRUST, WITH ALL HONESTY ) have tagged 11 people.

okeh haha
1. aq suke tengok download speed.. yeah wajib bg lelaki sepertiku.. 
2. aq suke download movie kt skolah.. cbb laju.. *kdg2 xdpt.. mcm nie
3. ofkos aq suke makan
4. jln2 n ckp aq boring kuat2
5. suke pakse kwn2 duk kt depan bile perhimpunan skolah *mgntok ok..
6. aq sebenar nyer on diet... 
7. tolong format pc laptop n netbook for free... *kesian nk mnx duet..
8. dlm usaha membeli hardware2 pc baru..
9. tibe2 mngntok bile tgk cite melayu indo tamil hindustan n etc xcept english n anime
10. boleh mnx tolong aq repair pc korg kt umah... *dtg amik aq kt umah dulu..
11. aq buat entry nih tuk Wan Nur Zakiah.. dye tag aq larh *sile bace rules
misi mnjawab soalan exam..
1.nme parents 
=mohd sobri b bakar
=razakiah bt ahmad shah
=hobi mcm nie la.. on9 tgh2 malam n update blog klo x tertido
3. study or working?
=aq study kt skolah n working kt rumah.. sebagai engineer katil
4. first crush..ow dem
=soalan yg agk berat nk jwb.. xbleh jwb sbb ni cite zaman darjah4 dulu..
5. single or taken?
=hmm dah ader gf tu single ke taken?
6. schools
=Sekolah same dgn pakwe u la WNZ..
7. kelebihan.. wuhuu ruang riak
=boleh mkn byk
8. fav food
= nasi , aslkn bukan seafood.. n organ..
9. Myspace , Twitter or Pesbuk?
= hand fone n Pesbuk
add me
10. cita-cita
=usahawan berjaya..

11. bestfriends
= sebenarnya aq ni x byk kwn n aq x gedik2 add fren kt pesbuk
aq cume kwn2 aq aq pecaye je

Azraai Hakim = loan shark
Ahmad Razin = nk duet free kol dye
Haikal = driver aq balik skolah
Qayyum = org nye scheewwweettt... prefect gituww.. dem.. jgn pikir laen
WNZ = special best fren.. ^^

penat nk tidow,. ade mase aq update lagii

Wan Nur Zakiah


  1. cara jwb mcm malas jehh . haha . btw , thanks sbb sudi mnjwb nye yehh . nice post ~ tdo zzzz...

  2. nie la jd bile xde idea.. haha*desciption blog
